Categories: Kitchen Remodeling

Common Misconceptions About Granite Countertops

Have you ever considered granite countertops for your home, only to be deterred by the numerous myths surrounding them? It’s time to put those doubts aside. In this post, Envy Home Services debunks some common misconceptions about this durable and attractive countertop option.


Contrary to popular belief, granite countertops aren’t invincible. Yes, they’re among the sturdiest and most resistant options for countertops. However, exposure to heavy impact or misuse can cause chips or cracks. Therefore, while they excel in durability, they aren’t impermeable to damage. But with proper installation and maintenance, you can count on this countertop material to last for decades.

Attracts Bacteria

When it comes to cleanliness, granite countertops don’t disappoint. The material is naturally porous, but that doesn’t mean it will act as a sponge. It won’t harbor bacteria nor absorb much liquid. Sealing granite countertops make them non-porous, keeping them cleaner and more sanitary.

Same Patterns

Every granite piece is unique. The patterns and colors can vary as they depend on the particular mineral content of each granite slab. This uniqueness is what often adds a personalized touch to your home. You can ask advice from kitchen contractors for customization options.

Highly Expensive

The cost of granite countertops is often a one-time investment, considering their incredible durability. While the initial cost might seem more than other alternatives, the long-term value is substantial. They withstand years of usage with minimal maintenance.


Granite does contain natural radioactive elements like uranium, thorium and radon. However, the levels are negligible and do not have the ability to cause harm. The radiation emitted by granite countertops is considerably less than the standard background levels we are exposed to daily from various devices and equipment. So, you can put those fears of a radioactive home to rest.

Don’t let these misconceptions deter you from considering granite for your next kitchen remodeling project. To get started on this major undertaking, turn to Envy Home Services. Call us at (888) 847-7954, or fill out this contact form to schedule a consultation!

Envy Home Services