Categories: Kitchen Remodeling

Why You Should Seal Your Granite Countertops

The stunning surfaces of granite countertops can elevate the look and functionality of your space. To elevate and extend the material’s longevity and appearance, it needs to be sealed occasionally. This blog post dives into the importance of granite countertop sealing and how professional kitchen contractors can help you maintain their elegance for many years.

The Porous Nature of Granite

Granite is a natural stone with a porous surface, which means it has tiny holes and channels that can allow liquids and stains to penetrate. Without proper sealing, your countertops may be susceptible to stains and bacterial growth, shortening the material’s life span.

Before Sealing Granite Countertops

If you’re planning to seal your granite countertop, consider the type of granite, frequency of use, and 

exposure to staining agents. Light-colored granite is generally more porous than its dark-colored counterpart and may require more frequent sealing. Moreover, busy kitchens and countertops frequently exposed to staining agents like wine, coffee, and oil can benefit from a strong seal.

How to Determine if Your Granite Countertops Need Sealing

The water droplet test is one of the best ways to determine if your granite countertop needs sealing. This involves placing a few drops of water on the surface of the granite. If the water is absorbed quickly, it’s time to consider sealing. The lemon juice and oil test works similarly: place a few drops of lemon juice and some oil on the granite. Sealing may be needed if they’re absorbed and leave a dark mark.

Benefits of Sealing Granite Countertops

Many professional kitchen renovation contractors recommend sealing granite countertops because they offer several benefits:

  • It protects against stains, ensuring that your countertops maintain their pristine appearance. 

  • It prevents bacterial growth, which is essential for a hygienic kitchen environment. 

  • Sealing extends the lifespan of your countertops by preventing damage from liquids and stains. 

  • It enhances the overall appearance of your granite countertops, making them even more beautiful and eye-catching.

Importance of Hiring Professional Kitchen Contractors

Hiring professional kitchen contractors to seal your granite countertops is crucial because they possess the expertise and knowledge to do the job effectively. They know the proper sealing techniques and use high-quality sealants that protect your countertops for the long run. Additionally, working with professionals can help you avoid costly DIY mistakes.

Choosing the Right Kitchen Renovation Contractors

When selecting professional contractors for your project, it’s important to consider their experience with granite countertops, reputation, customer reviews, and the availability of warranty and support services. These factors will ensure that you work with reliable and skilled professionals.


Sealing your granite countertops is crucial to protect them from stains, bacteria, and damage. Hiring professional kitchen remodeling companies also ensures you receive expert care and lasting results. And with expertise in granite countertop sealing, high-quality sealing materials, and a comprehensive range of kitchen remodeling services, Envy Home Services is your go-to partner in Arlington Heights, IL. Trust their professionals to help you maintain the beauty and durability of your granite countertops. Call (888) 847-7954 to get started, or just reach us online to schedule your consultation.

Envy Home Services